Rangitoto College Uniform Shop

Rangitoto College is proud to supply our school community school and sport uniforms direct on site adjacent to the lower courts below the gyms.  Easiest access is via Graham Collins drive, making use of the bottom carparks then walking up the hill.

You can also purchase direct from our supplier Argyle Schoolwear online. (please note you can’t purchase sports wear, knitwear or socks/hosiery from Argyle)

Uniform Information

Uniform Shop is closed during all school and public holidays including Rangi Day.

Monday 8am – 2:15pm

Closed for lunch 12:30pm – 1pm

Tuesday 11am – 2:15pm

Wednesday 11am- 2:15pm

Thursday 11am- 5pm

Closed for lunch 1pm – 1:30pm

Friday 11am – 2:15pm

  • Students can wear up to 2 earrings in each ear, either studs (silver, gold, small stone) or small hoops/sleeper of less than 8mm in diameter and up to 2mm in thickness, without any embellishment such as diamantes or charms that hang off the hoops.
  • One (1) thin gold or silver chain necklace
  • One (1) plain ring TO BE WORN ON THE HAND ONLY.
  • One (1) silver or gold bangle or bracelet.
  • Ankle adornments are not permitted.
  • Ear stretchers/spacers of any kind (including clear) are not to be worn while at school and at any time while representing the school.
  • Jewellery rules apply to all students, including Year 13.

Acceptable Earrings:

Non Acceptable Earrings:

  • Lipstick and eye makeup ARE NOT PERMITTED.
  • Eyelash extensions ARE NOT PERMITTED.
  • NATURAL LOOK foundation is permitted.
  • Nail polish is permitted on fingers, and toes (if wearing sandals), as long as it is a transparent (clear).  No colours are permitted (including white). Students are not permitted to have acrylic, shellac or french tip type enhancements. Nails must be kept short and neat.
  • Makeup rules apply to all students, including Year 13.


  • Any facial piercing is against school rules and no student will be allowed in class with visible piercing.
  • Piercing cannot merely be covered up with a piece of plaster.
  • Clear plastic keepers can be worn for the first 2 weeks if they are needed to keep a hole from closing, as long as they are not visible and lie flat against the face.
  • Tattoos must be covered at all times, either by a plain neutral skin toned sleeve, a long-sleeved school shirt, or by any other means deemed appropriate by the Deputy Principal.
  • Tattoo rules apply to all students, including year 13.

Exemptions may be available for culturally significant tattoos, at the discretion of the Deputy Principal.

All students must be clean-shaven at all times.

Plain black leather polishable lace-up shoes. For health and safety reasons shoes are required to be sturdy and support the foot and have a heel of approximately 1.5-2.0cm (such as Ascent Conest, Ascent Apex, Dr Marten Mono).

Black sandals with two buckle straps that cross the front of the foot (no heel straps) can now be worn with skirts and shorts (not to be worn with long trousers and not with socks).  Sandals can be worn all year-round if desired.

Boots, ballet shoes, skate and sport shoes are NOT PERMITTED. Shoes are to be worn all year round.  Suppliers who stock Rangitoto College approved shoes are: Athletes Foot; Janbells; HannahsShoe Clinic, Shoe Science  and Number One Shoes.   Some examples of the shoes and sandals that can be worn are below:







School Uniform

Athletes Foot and Shoe Clinic Albany offer a $10.00 donation back to Rangitoto College for each pair of shoes sold. For those students who have podiatry needs such as orthotics, Shoe Science Albany (on Mercari Way, not in the Mall), Silverdale and Albany have range of shoes designed for these situations. A 20% discount on shoes is available to Rangitoto College students.

Image of Rangitoto College students wearing Junior Uniform brochure

Junior Boys Uniform

  • Shorts – Plain dark navy dress shorts (no front pleats).  Expandable waist with zip (security) pocket.  College logo on back. To be worn on the waist.
  • Trousers – Year 9 and 10 students can wear Rangitoto College long trousers. Trousers only to be worn with shoes and socks (not sandals).
  • Shirt – Mid-blue polyester short sleeve shirt.  College logo on bottom left front.  Short or long sleeved. To be worn out over the shorts.
  • T-shirts or other tops are not to be visible.
  • Jacket, this is optional (however is the only jacket that can be worn for rain protection)
  • Jersey – Dark navy V-neck with red tipping around the neck. College logo on left front.
  • Blazer is optional.
  • School socks are to be worn (Navy with red stripe)
  • Shoes – Plain black leather polishable lace-up shoes. For Health and Safety reasons shoes are required to be sturdy and support the foot and have a heel of approximately 1.5-2cm.
  • Black sandals with two buckle straps that cross the front of the foot (no heel straps) can now be worn with skirts and shorts (not to be worn with long trousers and not with socks).  Sandals can be worn all year-round if desired. Boots, skate shoes and sport shoes are Not Permitted. Shoes/Sandals are to be worn all year.
  • A Rangitoto College Cap is also available to purchase from the Rangitoto School Uniform Shop.

Junior Girls Uniform

  • Skirt – Knee length, dark navy poly/wool blend with centre front pleat and side zip (security) pocket. Skirt to be worn on the waist. Skirt length not to be altered, must be worn on the knee.
  • Trousers – Year 9 and 10 students can wear Rangitoto College long trousers. Trousers only to be worn with shoes and socks (not sandals).
  • Blouse – Mid-blue, polyester, shaped blouse with College logo on bottom left front hem. Short or long sleeved. To be worn out over skirt.
  • T-shirts and other tops are not to be visible.
  • Shorts can also be worn.
  • Jacket, this is optional (however is the only jacket that can be worn for rain protection)
  • Jersey – Dark navy V-neck with red tipping around the neck. College logo on left front.
  • Cardigan – Dark Navy, zipped front with red ‘tipping’ around neck and front edge. College logo on left front.
  • Blazer is optional.
  • Shoes – Plain black leather polishable lace-up shoes. For Health and Safety reasons shoes are required to be sturdy and support the foot and have a heel of approximately 1.5-2cm.
  • Black sandals with two buckle straps that cross the front of the foot (no heel straps) can now be worn with skirts and shorts (not to be worn with long trousers and not with socks).   Sandals can be worn all year-round if desired. Boots, ballet shoes, skate shoes and sport shoes are Not Permitted.   Shoes/Sandals are to be worn all year.
  • White ankle socks are to be worn.
  • Navy blue tights maybe worn when cold. They are to be worn instead of the white ankle socks.
  • A Rangitoto College cap is also available to purchase from the Rangitoto School Uniform Shop.

Junior PE Uniform

All Year 9 & 10 students are required to wear the school PE shirt. The shirt can be worn with the school PE short or any plain navy or black shorts or leggings.

  • Shorts – Plain, dark navy dress shorts (no front pleats).  Expandable waist with zip (security) pocket.  College logo on back.  To be worn on the waist.
  • Trousers – students can wear Rangitoto College long trousers
  • Shirt – White polyester shirt with College logo on the bottom left front. Short or long sleeved. To be worn out over the shorts.
  • Jacket, this is optional (however is the only jacket that can be worn for rain protection) – as per junior uniform
  • Jersey – Red, shaped V-neck jersey with dark navy ‘tipping’ around the neck. College logo on left front.
  • A Rangitoto College cap is also available to purchase from the Rangitoto School Uniform Shop.

  • Skirt – Mid-calf, dark navy poly/wool blend straight skirt with two front pleats and side zip (security) pocket.  Skirt to be worn on the waist.  Skirt length not to be altered, must be worn mid-calf.
  • Trousers – students can wear Rangitoto College long trousers
  • Blouse – White polyester shaped blouse with College logo on bottom left front hem.  Short or Long sleeved. To be worn out over skirt.
  • Jacket, this is optional (however is the only jacket that can be worn for rain protection) – as per junior uniform
  • Jersey – Red, shaped V-neck jersey with dark navy ‘tipping’ around the neck. College logo on left front.
  • Cardigan – Red, zipped front with dark navy ‘tipping’ around neck and front edge of zip.  College logo on left front.
  • Shoes – Plain black leather polishable lace-up shoes.  For Health and Safety reasons shoes are required to be sturdy and support the foot and have a heel fo approximately 1.5-2com.  Black sandals with two buckle straps that cross the front of the foot (no heel straps) can now be worn with skirts and shorts (not to be worn with long trousers and not with socks). Sandals can be worn all year-round if desired. Boots, ballet shoes, skate shoes and sport shoes are Not Permitted. Shoes/Sandals are to be worn all year.
  • Navy blue tights maybe worn when cold. They are to be worn instead of the white ankle socks.

Students do not wear a uniform. There is a level of professionalism required.

  • Smart-casual workplace attire is expected – i.e. not dressed for a day at the beach
  • No offensive slogans on t-shirts
  • No jandals, crocs or slippers
  • To judge acceptable length of clothing – hands by sides, shorts/skirt/dress hem-line should be at fingertips or below
  • No shoe-string tops

The Second-Hand Uniform Shop serves students, parents and the College. The shop is run by a growing team of volunteer parents and all proceeds from the Second-Hand Uniform Shop go to improvements to the school and/or student scholarships.

We are encouraging as many parents as possible to donate Second-Hand Uniforms. 

Equally, we are happy to sell on your behalf, in which case the PTA retains approximately a 30% commission for the sale of second-hand uniforms.

Please go to the following website to register the items you wish to sell:

Note: Sold uniforms are processed at the start of each term.  The pay out is by direct credit to your NZ bank account.

For further information please email  or join our Facebook group: Rangitoto College Parent Teacher Association.

Opening Hours 

The PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop is located in the portacom next to the Rangitoto School Uniform Shop, and the Physio, by the courts on college grounds.  You can access this by walking up the driveway from the bottom carpark off Graham Collins Drive. Opening hours for 2025 are as follows:

Friday lunchtimes term-time only: 1.35pm – 2.20pm

Wednesday lunchtimes, first week of each term only: on Feb 5, Apr 30, Jul 16, Oct 8 from 1:35 pm – 2:20 pm

Sundays: on Feb 2, Mar 9, May 4, Jun 8, Jul 20, Aug 31, Oct 12, Nov 9 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Blazers and Ties are worn at school by the school leaders, premier sports players and anyone else representing the school.

Blazers can be hired at the School Uniform Shop for $50 for the year/season.  This can be paid directly at the shop or as part of your sports fees.  A Blazer contract will need to be signed by the parent/caregiver, this covers the full replacement cost of the blazer if it isn’t returned.

Ties can be purchased at the uniform shop.

Short term hire can also be arranged for one off events for no charge with the permission of a Teacher in Charge or Head of Department.