Teacher(s) involved:
- Name: Mr. Sarmah
- Email Address:
Meeting times or event scheduled dates: Meetings for members as per requirements
Location: B3
An opportunity for students to engage with a global community.
Teacher(s) involved:
Meeting times or event scheduled dates: Meetings for members as per requirements
Location: B3
By raising awareness and promoting student voice, UNICEF aims to draw attention to global issues. Through an ongoing photojournalism project, Humans of UNICEF, our students provide a safe space for others to share their insights on a range of important social issues from poverty to education.
The various fundraisers that our students organise, including Quiz Night and Movie Night, and run, also help to support UNICEF NZ in providing aid to a range of global issues. Our students show their compassion and their commitment to making a difference in the world through all of their hard work and dedication. These events usually occur during Terms 1 and 2.
UNICEF is a great charity to support, and there are many volunteering and service opportunities available that could count towards your university applications.
Year 9 and Year 10 students are expected to attend/complete 3 events throughout the year for the service to be added onto their student profile.
In order to have your activity added to your profile in time to be recognised at prizegiving, please ensure it is added by:
Please check that your profile data is being updated regularly throughout the year.