Student Librarians

A chance for students to help spread their love of reading.

Contact Details

Teacher(s) involved: 

Name(s): Mrs O’Connell, Mrs. Hurley, Mrs. Ott, Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Woods 


Meeting times: Training session at the start of the year and pizza lunch at the end of each term.

Events scheduled: Library Week is taking place from 23 September to 27 September 2024.

Location: Library

The Student Librarian program allows students to give back to the school while also promoting their love of reading.

Student Librarians’ hard work and dedication keeps the library running smoothly and helps to create the wonderful atmosphere that makes Rangitoto College Library such a special place. They are involved in all aspects of the library, from issuing and returning, shelving books, processing new books, writing reviews and organising displays to promote the library and the extensive collection of books and resources available to students. Our Librarians love reading and recommending books to their peers and take pride in their space.

Rangitoto Summit Diploma

Year 9 and Year 10 students need to consistently attend their rostered librarian session for their service to be added onto their student profile.

Student Profile Data

In order to have your activity added to your profile in time to be recognised at prizegiving, please ensure it is added by:

  • Year 9 and Year 10: 21 November 2025
  • Year 11: 19 November 2025
  • Year 12 and Year 13: 18 September 2025

Please check that your profile data is being updated regularly throughout the year.

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564 East Coast Road
Mairangi Bay
Auckland 0630
New Zealand