Teacher(s) involved:
- Name: Miss Ye-sul Kim
- Email Address: yesul.kim@cloud.rangitoto.school.nz
Meeting times or event scheduled dates: Various, see daily notices for details.
Location: E10
Striving to provide less fortunate children across New Zealand with better opportunities for the future.
Teacher(s) involved:
Meeting times or event scheduled dates: Various, see daily notices for details.
Location: E10
The various fundraisers that our students attend help support the ‘KidsCan’ Organisation, which provides these children with food, clothes, shoes and basic healthcare products, improving their education experience, opportunities and overall quality of life.
Through this club, our students show their passion, dedication and commitment to helping make a difference in children’s lives.
KidsCan is a great organisation to support and there are various service opportunities available through the club that count towards your Student Profile, Rangitoto Summit Diploma and Student Volunteer army.
If you would like to be involved in KidsCan this year, please sign up using this link: https://forms.gle/ASPod9U7gdXj3neB8.
You can also contact us via email: rangikidscan@gmail.com .
Follow our Instagram account @rangikidscan for more details.
Year 9 and Year 10 students need to complete 4 activities for the service to be added onto their student profile.
In order to have your activity added to your profile in time to be recognised at prizegiving, please ensure it is added by:
Please check that your profile data is being updated regularly throughout the year.