Teacher(s) Involved:
Mrs. Hanley
Meeting times or event scheduled dates: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:45am until 8:20am.
Location: L14 (Food Tech classroom under the Library)
A warm and sometimes quiet place before school to catch up with friends, get in some extra study or just have something to eat.
Teacher(s) Involved:
Mrs. Hanley
Meeting times or event scheduled dates: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:45am until 8:20am.
Location: L14 (Food Tech classroom under the Library)
Students are welcome to come along, just drop in or stay for the whole time, there will always be Weetbix and milk available, but sometimes we have other goodies as well, including Weetbix pancakes and smoothies and other things that have been donated or cooked up for you to sample.
The space is open for catching up with friends over a bowl or Weetbix or getting in some last minute homework before the day starts.
There is criteria towards the Rangitoto Summit Diploma for being a kickstart breakfast helper. Requirements are helping out 4 times across the term. Students will be rostered on individually and need to be available from 7:45am to set up and be available to clean up and pack away at 8:25am.
Note: there are not requirements or awards for being part of the club — anyone is welcome to turn up, hang out and have a free breakfast as often or as little as they want.
In order to have your activity added to your profile in time to be recognised at prizegiving, please ensure it is added by:
Please check that your profile data is being updated regularly throughout the year.