‘Tuia ki te rangi, ko Rangitoto ki raro’
Woven by our ancestors, anchored in the presence of Rangitoto.

The purpose of the Tū Rangatira tutor programme is to provide ākonga Māori with a safe space to learn tikanga and Māori concepts daily, allowing them to grow their confidence in cultural experiences and Māori practices. The role of Tangata Tiriti is to learn alongside ākonga Māori, becoming bicultural citizens and developing strong relationships with Māori.

Tū Rangatira students will develop skills in the pōwhiri process and learn a range of karakia, mihi, and waiata to support them in both formal and informal events. They will gain an understanding of the function and significance of each role, deepening their awareness of the responsibility to uphold the mana of tikanga within our school and community.

Wānanga Series - Enriched Māori Learning Experiences

Ākonga (students) in the Tū Rangatira programme and/or Māori academic pathways such as Te Reo Māori, Te Ao Haka, and Whakairo will take part in a series of wānanga experiences. Each wānanga is designed to deepen their understanding of tikanga while reinforcing cultural values. These experiences will take place on marae and in other environments that provide meaningful opportunities for learning, cultural immersion, and real-world application.

The purpose of the wānanga series is to provide students of whakapapa Māori with a safe and supportive space to embrace their culture and practice tikanga. This environment enables both students and whānau to overcome whakamā, learn through experience, and make mistakes without fear of judgment, thus fostering confidence and growth in their cultural journey.

“Tū Rangitira has helped me improve myself and my leadership skills a lot because it has a lot of expectations that I need to meet to stay in the tutor class, so it pushes me.”
- Kalem Walker