We aim to assist all students to minimise any challenges they face, to access the curriculum at their own level

The Learning Centre

Rangitoto College provides an inclusive, mainstream environment for all students with additional needs. This means that our students will work in classes alongside their peers with curriculum adaption or extra support where appropriate.The Learning Centre ensures that all students with additional needs are fully included within the school system. In addition, in conjunction with agencies such as the Ministry of Education and the RTLB (resource teachers for learning and behaviour), we provide support for these students to access the curriculum at their level.

Aims of the Learning Centre

The Learning Centre aims to provide support for students in a variety of ways including:

  • Welcoming friendly base at break and lunch
  • Co-ordination of in-class support
  • Special conditions support
  • Information gathering and dissemination to staff about student’s needs
  • Organisation of Special Olympics events.
  • Organisation of support for ORS funded students
  • Co-ordinates links to external services eg. RTLB support (Resource Teachers for Learning and Behaviour)


At Year 9 and 10 level we have targeted classes in English and Maths which are specifically designed to be smaller in number and have a higher adult ratio to offer more support to students who require it.  

In Years 11 to 13 there is a class which looks at practical life skills, including the world of work, money management, budgeting and independent travel. 

We also offer a friendly supportive place where students can gather at morning tea and lunch to build relationships in a safe and relaxing environment.

If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s additional learning needs, please contact Jacqueline Allen or Nicky Simms on (09) 477 0150 ext 822.

Special Condition Support

The Learning Centre is actively involved in identifying students who require Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) for external assessment both in NCEA and International Baccalaureate (IB) assessments. We also provide this SAC support to students in years 9-13 when required throughout the year.

To book special conditions support, please join google classroom 3eb7bow and fill in a request.  If you have any queries please pop into the Learning Centre to discuss.

More information can be found on the eligibility requirements for SAC on the NZQA website here

Special Olympics

For those students who have an interest in sports but have challenges preventing them from participating in regular team events, we attend the Special Olympics Ribbon Days throughout the year, giving students the opportunity to take part in organised sport and represent Rangitoto College. From these events some students have been selected to participate in regional events in the wider Auckland area.

Learning Centre Staff

The Learning Centre has two teachers, nine student support workers and two admin staff.