There are three Deans working at each of Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 levels. Two Deans work with our International students and there are two Engagement Deans.

Deans have both an administrative and pastoral role within the College. Their administrative role includes putting students into classes, ensuring absences have been appropriately accounted for, taking a weekly assembly and assisting staff to enforce uniform and behavioural standards.

Their pastoral role usually makes them the first point of contact for parents with worries or concerns about their child. They also try to encourage and acknowledge excellence amongst the students in their care, as well as working with students who are failing to meet either behavioural or academic goals.  Students can also go and see them about any difficulties they are encountering.

All Deans also have their own teaching responsibilities which means they are often not in their office and not instantly available to deal with parental requests.  However, they attempt to return all voicemail contacts within 24 hours and are happy to make appointments to see parents when that is requested. To email the Deans, please click on their names below.

2024 Deans

Year 9 Deans

Mrs Karla Holding
Tutor Group - CA, CD, FL, KR, LI, NI, PT, RB, SB, ZN

Ms Grace Love
Tutor Group - CL, CS, ER, FE, HE, MG, MO, RH, SR, XE

Mr Kranish Singh
Tutor Group - AU, BE, ES, HF, HG, NA, NB, SE, SN, TI

Year 10 Deans

Mr Mark Wilson
Tutor Group - CL, CS, FE, HE, MG, MO, RH, SN, SR, XE

Mrs Sharon Redpath
Tutor Group - AU, BE, ES, HF, HG, LI, NA, NB, RA, TI

Ms Tessa Garton-Voice
Tutor Group - CA, CD, KR, NI, PT, RB, SB, SE, ZN

Year 11 Deans

Mr Kurt Anderson
Tutor Group - AT, AU, CA, CD, CL, CS, FE, HE, HF, HG

Mrs Stephanie Kim
Tutor Group - KR, LI, MG, MN, MO, NA, NB, NI, PA, PB

Ms Jamie Sowter
Tutor Group - FR, RA, RB, RE, RH, SB, SE, SN, SR, TI, ZN

Year 12 Deans

Mrs Angela Derbyshire-Smith
Tutor Group - BE, FR, KR, LI, MG, MN, MO, NA, NB, NI, XE

Mrs Kate Gale
Tutor Group - BI, PA, RA, RB, RH, SB, SE, SN, SR, TI, ZN

Mrs Rhianna Maker
Tutor Group - AU, BA, CA, CD, CL, CS, FE, FL, HE, HF, HG, PT

Year 13 Deans

Mr John Meeske
Tutor Group - AU, FR, HG, KR, LI, MG, MN, MO, NA, NB, XE

Mrs Kay Robinson
Tutor Group - BE, NI, PT, RB, RH, SB, SE, SN, SR, TI, ZN

Miss Mallory O'Brien
Tutor Group - BA, BI, CA, CD, CL, CS, FE, HF, PA, RA

International Baccalaureate® (IB)

Mrs Catherine Brandt
Tutor Group - 12AU, 12BA, 12BI, 13BI