2026 Start of Year Arrangements and Holiday Dates

The College Office opens on Monday 19th January 2026 for parent enquiries. The start of year arrangements for students are as follows:

Wednesday 28th January

8:55am = All Year 9 students and Year 10-13 students who are new enrolments to Rangitoto College for 2026 should meet at the flag pole, front of the school (entrance off East Coast Road).

9:00am-10:00am = Mihi whakatau for all new students to be welcomed to the College.

10:00am-3:00pm = Year 9 orientation with Tutor Teachers and Peer Support Leaders.

10:00am-1:00pm = Year 10-13 new student orientation.

9:00am-12:00pm = Course consultation available for all returning Year 10-13 students who may wish to change subjects.

Thursday 29th January

All students return to school with staggered start times. These will be communicated before this date.

Friday 30th January

All students begin at 8:40am for Tutor class and then a full timetable of lessons will run for the day.

School holiday dates

3 April – 19 April

4 July – 19 July

26 September – 11 October

5 December – tbc

Any students who take holidays outside of these designated holiday periods will be coded as unjustified leave.