
Attending school is directly linked to improved educational performance which should in turn lead to further learning opportunities.

The School’s attendance process is outlined in the Attendance Process downloadable. Tutor Teachers have explained this process to students to ensure that they are regularly checking their attendance record and following up with their parent/guardian to account for any unexplained absence.

Rangitoto College’s preference is for parents/guardians to use the PCSchool Parent Portal to explain student absences. The PCSchool Parent Portal has been updated for ease of use to ensure parents can retrospectively justify absences as well as current or future absences. If parents do have issues using the PCSchool Parent Portal, we can still receive a parent/guardian signed written note either prior to, or after an absence, which must include the student’s name, student ID number, date of absence and reason for absence.

When using the PCSchool Parent Portal, it is essential for you to keep login information private. Please do not share the login details with your child as this may compromise the integrity of the absence system. We would also ask you to monitor your child’s attendance on a regular basis via the PCSchool Parent Portal. Should you have a query regarding your child’s attendance please contact their year level Dean.

Instructions on the PCSchool Parent Portal absence notification, along with retrieving username/password for PCSchool can be found in the downloadable documents.

You will note from the attendance process sheet attached, the key details are as follows:

Accounting for Absences

• Students should check their attendance on their PCSchool Attendance record in Tutor Period.  Students should identify if they have outstanding unexplained absences from the previous week

• Accounting for unexplained absences is a student and parent responsibility

• The student is responsible for ensuring all unexplained absences in a given week are accounted for by the Friday of the following week.

• Students will be followed up by the Deans if unaccounted absences have not been cleared after a week

Arriving late

• The student goes straight to class if they either arrive late or come back to school having signed out earlier.  The student must have their parent/caregiver account for any lateness with a legitimate reason

Leaving early

• Students must sign out at the Attendance Office using Gatekeeper to scan their card.  The student must provide a note to the Attendance Office from their parent/caregiver or have their parent advise of early departure via the PCSchool Parent Portal .  The student will receive a printed pass.

Unwell during the day

• The student must report to the Health Centre.  The student will receive a printed pass if the Health Centre has arranged with the parent for the student to go home.


We do hope this process will support the learning of all students at Rangitoto College. It is our belief that attendance is one of the key elements to success for any student. With your partnership as a parent/guardian we can track regular attendance, respond to unexplained absences and work with students to achieve to their potential.