The Year 9 Meet the Teacher evening is taking place from 6:30pm.

The purpose of this evening is to give you the opportunity to:

  • Meet your child’s tutor teacher;
  • Meet your child’s English, Social Science, and Science teachers;
  • Be informed about the Health Curriculum including sexuality education;
  • Be informed about the Maths curriculum;
  • Be informed about the support available from the Guidance Department; and
  • Be informed about the expectations of students at Rangitoto College.

Transitioning to high school is often an exciting and challenging time for young people and we value this opportunity to connect with parents and caregivers early in the school year.  Our Principal Patrick Gale will introduce the evening and be supported by our Deans and Guidance team. Parents will then meet the Tutor Teacher and three core subject teachers.  It is important for you to know what tutor class your child is in before the evening. This information is at the top of their timetable. Please read the information sent to whānau about this evening, including the timings and locations.  The meeting will take place in the allocated classroom for your child’s tutor class.  Student Leaders will be onsite and available to assist with finding classrooms on the evening.  The evening should be finished by 8.00 pm