Year 12 and Year 13 Parent Information Evening runs from 6:30pm to 8pm and is for both NCEA and IB students and their whānau. The purpose of this evening is to give you the opportunity to:

  • Meet your child’s Deans and Assistant/Deputy Principal and understand Rangitoto College’s pastoral care system
  • Gain some insight into the challenges your child may face in the final two years of senior school and how to overcome these effectively. We will have a guest speaker (TBC).
  • Attend two seminars that are relevant to your child’s schooling/academic pathway

The evening will begin in the auditorium; following seminars will run in C Block, the staffroom, and the Rangi Centre.

Evening Plan:

Introduction to the evening by the Deputy Principals of Y12 and Y13, followed by our guest speaker and pastoral information from the year level Deans. Parents and students can then attend two seminars most applicable to them on a variety of subjects – see letter to parents for more details.  Seminars will run 7:00-7:25pm and then 7:30 to 8pm to allow parents and students to attend two of their choice.  The evening should be finished by 8.00pm.