랑기토토 & 머리스베이 등 저희 커뮤니티 학부모, 보호자분들과 함께 하는Korean Information Evening 이벤트에 환영합니다.  많은 분들께서는 참고 하시어 Rangitoto College Information과 NCEA/IB에 대해 자세한 정보를 알려드리기 위해 기획합니다. 유학생 아이들 담당하고 계시는 유학생 서포트 담당선생님, 딘 선생님과 한국 선생님들을 뵙고 궁금하셨던 부분이나 건의 사항 등을 이야기 나누면 좋겠습니다.

일시: 2024년 8월 8일 목요일 저녁 7시 – 9시


The Korean Committee is hosting a Korean Parent Information Evening, hosted in the Korean language, in the Staff Room from 7pm to 9pm, for Korean parents of our Kahui Ako Schools.  You are invited to come into our school to hear about what our school offers and a talk about NCEA, recent changes and Rangitoto Level 1 2024.

Event title: Korean Information Evening

For: Korean parents of intermediate and high school students and students

Venue: Staffroom

When: Thursday 8 August 2024 (Term 3, Week 3)

Number of audience: approx. 200

Audience: Korean parents of intermediate and high school students

Topics presented in Korean:

  • NCEA, International Baccalaureate (IB), scholarships, extracurricular activities, leadership and university
  • Year 13s to share their experience at the school
  • Question and Answer session
  • An opportunity to meet other parents, whānau and wider community