In Zone Home Map

See the Map below for information about the school zone.  This In Zone Home map should be checked carefully on the map shown below and via the following website

Enter your address and ‘Secondary (Years 9-15)’

Where the boundary crosses a street the house numbers for In Zone houses are written on the below map.

Below are the roads that form the boundary and if you live within this zone you are entitled to enrol at Rangitoto College anytime.

Please call the school office on (64-9) 477 0150 ext 633 if you need assistance.

From where Browns Bay Road meets the coastline, travel south along the coastline to Campbell’s Bay Reserve and Huntly Road. Travel south west along Huntly and south on Beach Road (285 – 759, 186 – 756 included) to Centennial Park. The southern boundary of Centennial Park to East Coast Road (235 – 745, 242 – 852 included). Travel north along East Coast Road to Sunset Road. Travel west along Sunset Road (286, 285 and above included) to Juniper Road (excluded). Regency Place, Lavery Place, Mandica Place, Delamere Court, Stoneleigh Court and Belle Verde Drive are all included. Cross north to and follow Sanders Reserve west to the Northern Busway and the motorway. Follow the motorway north to Oteha Valley Road. Travel east along the centre of Oteha Valley Road to Oteha Valley School. Travel south along Medallion Drive, east along Fernhill Way and north east along Fields Parade (55, 50 and above included), Horizon View Road included. Travel east across Bay City Park to the intersection of Andersons Road East (excluded) and East Coast Road. Travel south along East Coast Road to, east along Oaktree Avenue and Glencoe Road (80, 83 and below included) to Beach Road. Travel south along Beach Road to and north east along Browns Bay Road, back to the starting point.  Langana Avenue – all of Langana Avenue off Oaktree Avenue is included.  All of Langana Avenue off John Downs Drive is not included.

Unless otherwise stated, both sides of boundary roads and all no exit streets off included sides of boundary roads are included.

Find Us

564 East Coast Road
Mairangi Bay
Auckland 0630
New Zealand