
Please read our Enrolment Information Booklet available below. If you prefer a hard copy, please visit the College Reception between the hours of 8.00am - 4.15pm or phone (64-9) 477 0150 ext 633 to have one sent out to you.

Online enrolments for In Zone families are available throughout the year. Out of Zone enrolments open in July. All applications are placed into the respective year groups ballot for available placement in the next year's intake. Once the ballot has been held you will be notified of the ballot results via email.

Selective Ballot Dates


Year 9 ballot is held on the 11 September and you will hear on that day the outcome of your enrolment.

Year 13 ballot will be held on the 17 September and you will hear on that day the outcome of your enrolment.

Out of zone enrolments will reopen again in July 2024 for 2025 enrolment.

Follow this link for all out of zone enrolment planning 

Justice of the Peace

The statutory declaration is required to be signed by a Justice of the Peace. To help with this process you can find your local Justice of the Peace by searching your area at this link

Find Us

564 East Coast Road
Mairangi Bay
Auckland 0630
New Zealand