Each year in Term 2 we have Welcome Wednesday tours with our Principal, Mr Patrick Gale. We will then have our Open Day tours which will run at three different times during week 1 of Term 3.  All of these events can be booked or registered for by visiting the Enrolments page of our College website. Dates and details will be available there also.

All school visits outside of the above months can be requested through the Enrolments Manager at

Families that are renting or own a home in the Rangitoto College Zone are able to enrol at any time of the year for juniors and in Terms 1 to 3 for seniors. Enrolment is an online process where you are required to supply proof that you reside in our current school zone. The Enrolments Manager will contact you if additional documentation is required and then when your enrolment has been processed and approved. A certified copy of the College statutory declaration is required to be signed by a Justice of the Peace. This declaration is available to be downloaded from the online application form or can be collected from the College reception. This is the only form that is required to be certified.

No. Students can only live with their parent or legal guardian. Temporary changes in guardianship are not acceptable to the school. This must be a legal guardian which is granted by the New Zealand family courts.

Because only a student who lives in the home zone is entitled to enrol at Rangitoto College and because the Board of Trustees has the statutory power to annul the enrolment in certain circumstances, all changes to the student’s usual place of residence when the School is open for instruction must be immediately notified to the School in writing. Where permission is being sought for the student to remain at the School, the application must be made in writing prior to the move taking place.

The statutory declaration is required to be signed by a Justice of the Peace. To help with this process you can find your local Justice of the Peace by searching your area at this link To help with the enrolment process we will also have Justice of the Peace available at the College to sign your statutory declaration. Please check our main enrolments page of the college website for these dates.

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564 East Coast Road
Mairangi Bay
Auckland 0630
New Zealand