Rangitoto College scholarship students received an incredible 324 NZQA scholarships in 2024. These remarkable scholarship recipients achieved an astonishing 32 passes at Outstanding level. These accolades amount to the highest number of scholarships ever attained by a New Zealand school. Congratulations to all our NZQA Scholarship winners. 

Our 2024 NCEA Dux, Lianne Kim earned 10 scholarships, with 7 at Outstanding level. This sees Lianne receive one of only 12 Premier Awards in the country. The college also saw two Year 10 students receiving scholarships, twenty-three Year 11 students receiving 32 scholarships, sixty-seven Year 12 students receiving 111 scholarships and eighty-nine Year 13 students receiving a total of 180 scholarships.

In addition to Lianne Kim’s phenomenal success, 9 other Rangitoto students received an NZQA outstanding scholar award.


Year 13

  • Lianne Kim
  • Hanxi (Hedy) Yang
  • Olesya Korchagina
  • Joey Wong
  • Guancheng (John) Cai
  • Layla Clarke


Year 12

  • Taein Jung
  • Joshua Lo
  • Leo Wang 


Year 11

  • Joshua Wang


Beyond these results, Year 12 student Alan Sun passed 8 scholarships along with Benjamin Lee who received 7. We look forward to seeing what 2025 brings for these scholars. 

This milestone also marks the 5th time Rangitoto College has led New Zealand in scholarship passes with successes across 27 subjects in 2024. Indeed, across the 29 subjects entered, Rangitoto College attained 8% of all scholarships available nationwide. The college also gained the most across each of the years from 2018 to 2022. 

Once again, our results place our kura as one of the leading academic schools in New Zealand. 

These accomplishments were celebrated at our Scholars Awards Evening, where students, teachers, and whānau were welcomed to celebrate the incredible effort and hard work that went into attaining these results. They are a testament to their dedication, hard work, and perseverance. We remain immensely proud of our fantastic and talented akonga.