Term 3 was filled with many sporting successes. Over the term, we had many of our talented sports players travel all around the country to compete in fierce competitions. 

Our badminton players saw success at the College Sport Auckland Championships and the New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships. 


  • Junior Boys Doubles came away with silver. Congratulations to Larry Li and Vincent Xu
  • Yanxi Liu won gold in the Senior Girls Singles
  • Yanxi Liu, Chloe Yu, Claire Yu, Eva Li, Clara Lam, and Felicia Chen brought home a bronze in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships. 


We also saw success in table tennis. Joshua Lu, Jiming Yang, Ben Xiong, Yelena Yi, and Anya Chen won gold at the College Sports A Grade competition. At the NZSS, our Girls’ Team, including Yelena Yi and Anya Chen won gold. While Anya Chen won gold and Yelena Yi won silver in the Junior Girls category. 


Well done to all these talented students!