The Arts Leadership Team held yet another epic event, Battle of the Bands!

This high-energy competition featured bands who captivated the lively audience with their talent and enthusiasm. With support from the crowd, these musicians had their moment to shine on stage. They had a blast. While our judges deliberated, there was a very special performance from the Teachers’ Band. What a crowd pleaser!  

Congratulations goes to the following bands:

  • First place – Haestack (Year 11/12 band) 
  • Second place – Koasa (Year 10 band) 
  • Third place – Montreux (Jazz Combo)

A huge thank you to all the talented students and teachers who performed, as well as the staff and students who helped to organise the event. A special shoutout to everyone who came and supported the bands, making it a memorable success.

Also, many thanks to our sponsors, Music Planet and MusicWorks, who kindly supported our event.

Battle of the Bands was the second to last event for the Arts Leadership Team in 2024, and we would like to thank everyone who has supported our events and activities this year.