This term, Year 11 Sociology students have been learning about what makes a successful social action, and have been working on organising some of their own. On Tuesday 14th May, a cohort of around 90 students went on a trip outside of school to participate in the Papakura Stream Restoration Project through Conservation Volunteers New Zealand. The goal of this project was to rejuvenate the forest cover around the stream, subsequently improving the stream quality.
Over the course of the day, a total of 1,046 new trees were planted around the site, setting the foundation for a new generation of plant life. The purpose of this trip was to give students a hands-on experience in partaking in meaningful social actions to create actual change in the community. Students were able to gain practical insight on how social actions work, and thus implement it into our recent class social actions.
Finally, the Papakura Stream Restoration Project is always looking for more volunteers. If you are reading this, consider contributing your own time to this good cause, and sign up using this link.