During Week 6 of Term 3, the Careers Department were delighted to host their annual Pathways Evening designed to help students make informed decisions about their subjects for next year and beyond. Throughout the evening, they welcomed more than a thousand Year 10 and Year 11 parents, caregivers, and students into the Auditorium where they had opportunities to speak with teachers of all subject areas, learn about the subjects on offer and view some fabulous examples of student work, including three-dimensional work created within the practical subjects. 

The evening also included the World of Work—a colourful, fun, and engaging exhibit, showcasing jobs under the six vocational pathways through a range of media. The Deans, Learning Support, and the Careers Team were also on hand to give personalised information, advice and guidance which was very well received. 

The positive energy throughout the evening was fantastic, and the importance of the event was reinforced by just how many students and whānau attended—and how busy staff were answering questions and having animated conversations about their subjects. One parent commented, “Thanks for putting the evening on, it was a great opportunity and we were able to ask all the questions we needed to ask of the teachers and Deans.”

You can find our online Pathways Experience here.