Tēnā koutou e te whānau whānui o Rangitoto.

As we end a busy term, I am pleased that students remain highly engaged in school life in spite of the challenges that we have faced in the past 10 weeks. Student leadership at multiple levels across the school has been a feature of the college, with numerous events showcasing the diverse talents of the student population.

Cultural activities have been to the fore, with the incredible Chinese and Korean evenings, alongside Māori and Pasifika hui, and Spanish debating competitions, demonstrating the strength and range of cultural activities we have at the school. Students have been committed to devising, choreographing, and putting in a huge effort to rehearse for these events, with many late nights and weekend gatherings leading to high levels of performance. The community support shown for these events and hui has been extremely pleasing as we continue to develop our connection across different groups within our Rangitoto community. 

We are grateful for the support and understanding shown by parents and students for our changes to the 2024 NCEA Level 1 programme. There will be more information provided to the relevant parent groups as we move through the year. Fay Meiklejohn will step into the Acting Principal role in Term 3 whilst I am away on sabbatical. I look forward to seeing the progress that the students have made on my return in Term 4.

Patrick Gale, Principal