After a three-year hiatus, the Careers Department was delighted to be able to host their Pathways event during Week 6 of this term. Year 10 and 11 students, along with their whānau, were invited to attend an expo-style evening to gather information about future pathways within and beyond school.

Well over a thousand people attended the event and the Auditorium was filled with the buzz of conversations. The interactive World of Work exhibit provided an opportunity for students to start exploring job profiles under the six vocational pathways and department booths were manned by experienced teachers who were keen to answer subject enquiries.

Staff enjoyed the opportunity to share their passion for their subjects and expert knowledge with an avid audience. One teacher was overheard saying, “when you lose your voice talking about your subject, it’s a good thing!”

For many of our students, deciding on what to study in their senior years of schooling can be a challenging decision. Attending this evening has given our students far more confidence in the subject choices they are making for next year and empowers them to make future plans.

It was great to see so many students, along with their families, taking advantage of this informative event.