Teacher(s) Involved:
Mr Kun-Yeop Lee
Email: kun-yeop.lee@cloud.rangitoto.school.nz
Meeting times or event scheduled dates: Friday lunchtimes
Location: M11
Are you interested in learning how to solve a Rubik’s cube or want to practice cubing?
Teacher(s) Involved:
Mr Kun-Yeop Lee
Email: kun-yeop.lee@cloud.rangitoto.school.nz
Meeting times or event scheduled dates: Friday lunchtimes
Location: M11
Have some fun learning how to solve the Rubik’s cube. We will explore different Rubik’s cube type puzzles, for example, cubes, pyramids and Rubik puzzles of different shapes.
Speedcubing is a popular sport in New Zealand and across the globe. High speed cube-solving is a matter of committing the algorithms of solves to memory and lots of practise, until muscle memory takes over.
Thousands of New Zealanders regularly take part in competitions, including the world championships.
Bring along:
You need to attend 10 sessions to have this added to your student profile.
In order to have your activity added to your profile in time to be recognised at prizegiving, please ensure it is added by:
Please check that your profile data is being updated regularly throughout the year.