Our Community Programme is held at Rangitoto College, with students welcome from all schools. Classes are designed to support students as they prepare for their NCEA exams so that they can achieve their best possible results.

  • Taught by experienced registered teachers selected from the community
  • Available to students from any school
  • Cost-effective
  • Classes under 20 students

The NCEA Revision Programme offers 3 different types of classes:

  • Study Skills Workshops
  • NCEA Revision Classes
  • Exam Preparation Classes

Study Skills Workshops

Held in Term 2 and Term 3 holidays, these 2.5 hour workshops cover different methods for studying and look at time management and planning, resource organisation and exam techniques for success.

Suitable for all subjects, available for Year 9-10 and for Year 11-13, cost $35.

NCEA Revision Classes

NCEA Revision Classes are held in the Term 3 holidays and on Saturdays in Term 4.  Revision classes are content-based intensive revision of subjects and will be comparatively more detailed than Exam Prep classes.  These are small classes which are limited to 18 students.

Students can chooses classes relevant to the Achievement Standards they are studying towards.  Classes are of different length (and cost) depending on the subject/standard.

Exam Preparation

NCEA Exam Prep classes are held in the Term 3 holidays and on Saturdays in Term 4.  Exam Prep classes focus on going through past papers as well as tips on how to improve answers, cover exam techniques and the basics of how to complete answers to merit and excellence levels.

These classes assume students are already familiar with the content.  Classes are of different length (and cost) depending on the subject/standard.

Further Information

For more information, call our Careers Administrator, Andrea Auckland on (09) 477 0075 or email