NCEA is New Zealand's National Certificate of Educational Achievement

NCEA is a flexible and internationally well-recognised qualification, consisting of both internal, within school, and external, end of year exams and portfolio submissions.  Students sitting NCEA are assessed throughout the year with assignments, practical assessments, presentations, examinations, and project work.

It is possible to gain NCEA in two years, however, usually students gain credits in their last three years of school (Years 11, 12 and 13). All students who are at Rangitoto College from February to December (one full academic year) will be required to sit NCEA exams at the end of the year. International student NCEA fees are already included in the tuition fee and are paid by the school.

Rangitoto College Year 11 Diploma

The Rangitoto College Year 11 Diploma has replaced the Level 1 NCEA qualification.  This offers students the opportunity to engage in a rigorous, knowledge rich curriculum, designed by subject experts at the college.

Students will be able to attain the Year 11 Diploma with white, red or blue endorsement.  The Year 11 Diploma incorporates academic, extra-curricular, service leadership, attendance and academic engagement components.

NCEA Subjects

At Rangitoto College, students can choose from a wide range of academic subjects. Students receive individual course counselling, to ensure they make well informed choices.  We always encourage them to choose subjects they are interested in and subjects that are a prerequisite for a specific tertiary or vocational pathway.

NCEA 2023 Results

We are delighted to report the continued high rates of academic achievement by Rangitoto College students.  Our strong set of NCEA grades highlight the exceptional results that our students achieve when compared to similar schools.  NCEA results placed us as a leading academic school in New Zealand.

Level 1: 81% Excellence and Merit Endorsements (64% in similar socio-economic schools)

Level 2: 81% Excellence and Merit Endorsements (71%)

Level 3: 81% Excellence and Merit Endorsements (71%)

91% of our Year 13 students gained NCEA Level 3.  We are extremely proud that 79% of our Year 13 students gained University Entrance.

NCEA 2022 Results

Rangitoto academic results from 2022 have been outstanding, especially when compared to other Decile 10 schools and the national average. It is exceptionally pleasing to see our students not simply passing their external examinations, but doing so at the highest level, gaining Merit and Excellence endorsements.

High proportions of students were awarded Excellence Endorsements, well above the national average (Decile 10 schools in brackets)

Level 1:  49% Excellence Endorsements (35%)

Level 2: 41% Excellence Endorsements (28%)

Level 3: 36% Excellence Endorsements (24 %)

This is a reflection of our knowledge-rich curriculum and our students’ commitment to their studies.

It is also encouraging to see a very high proportion of Year 13 students gaining entrance to university, 87%, again, above national averages.  Decile 10 schools average 70% University Entrance and the national average for University Entrance is 48%.  Whilst we know not all students choose to attend tertiary education, our aim is to give them that opportunity.

Well done to our 2022 students on another exceptional academic year!

Read more about the exceptional success Rangitoto College has as one of the country’s top NZQA scholarship school on our Scholarship Programme page.

Learn more about our remarkable International Baccalaureate® (IB) pass rate, 100% over 3 consecutive years, our outstanding scholars results and our numerous recipients of the prestigious Bilingual Diploma by visiting our IB Programme page.