“Technology is intervention by design”: the use of practical and intellectual resources to develop products and systems.

Technology is an essential area of the curriculum where knowledge from all the subject areas comes together to be applied in a way that is practical and experimental. Product ideas that are produced are supported by sound reasoning and justification for their role in environmental and social contexts, allowing students to problem-solve through design and innovation.

Technologically literate young people:

  • have a broad understanding of how and why things work.
  • understand how technological products and technological systems are developed.
  • can critically evaluate technological developments and trends.
  • can design and evaluate their own solutions in response to needs and opportunities.

Technology subjects offered are:

  • Food Technology.
  • Materials Technology.
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Furniture
  • Textiles Technology
  • Apparel and Textiles
I chose Electronics because it helps teach practical logic and problem solving on real world applications. You learn in-depth experimentation on electronic systems that will be useful in a wide variety of career paths. Electronics teaches a combination of digital programming with physical circuit building.
- Sam Kolston, Year 12 Electronics
Head of Department

Ben Pollard

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Technology)

I joined the teaching profession in 2020 following a stint in the youth development sector working across New Zealand to improve outcomes for rangatahi. My industry experience comes from my time as a Mechanical Engineer, where I trained and mentored apprentices. It was during this time I discovered my passion for working with youth and sharing my passion for innovation, ingenuity and design. Technology fosters ākonga to develop a sense of design agency as they develop dynamic solutions to solve ever-evolving real world issues.