Tutor teachers support and encourage students through daily contact with their tutor groups. Our highly committed team of counsellors is available throughout the school day to engage with students privately and confidentially. Parents, too, may work in partnership with guidance staff if they have concerns about their children.
Rangitoto College has a careers education programme aimed at ensuring all students leave school with the information and the skills to choose a tertiary course or find employment. Trained careers staff provide individual consultation when students are making course and career decisions.
For students’ physical welfare, the school has a fully equipped Health Centre staffed by a registered nurse, as well as a full-time physiotherapy service.
Student leadership development is a focus within the school and students are encouraged to contribute to the life of the school and the wider community. Student leaders lead fellow students in a myriad of activities that make the school an engaging environment of cultural, social and recreational endeavours.
Our aim is for students to be happy, kind and respectful. We want our students to understand and live the values of the College: Respect, Integrity, Courage, Excellence and Pride.