Big Sing Choral Festival 

Our four choirs took part in the Auckland Regional Big Sing on towards the end of Term 2, with The Fundamentals and Serenata progressing to the next phase of the competition this term. Results are as follows:


Auckland Regionals

Serenata – Highly Commended, Excellent Performance of an “Other Styles” Work, Commendable Performance of a Choral Art Music Composition

The Fundamentals – Highly Commended

The Minutes – Commended

Cambiata – Commended


Upper North Island Cadenza – Rotorua

The Fundamentals – Tui (gold) Award


National Finale – Wellington

Serenata – Bronze Award 


NZCF-SOUNZ Choral Composition Competition

Harrison Maxwell – Highly Commended


Songwriting Success

Play It Strange Songwriting Competitions

Joules Jordan & Jedi Jumig – Peace Song Competition Finalist

Caleb Wright – Peace Song Competition Finalist

Joel Bird – Peace Song Competition Finalist

Caleb Wright – Secondary Schools Songwriting Competition Finalist

Jedi Jumig – Secondary Schools Songwriting Competition Finalist

Isabella Bedoya-Lopez – Youthtown Songwriting Competition Finalist


North Shore Schools Songwriting Competition

Caleb Wright – Winner of Secondary Division

James Todd – Top Ten selection and Honourable Mention

Joules Jordan & Jedi Jumig – Top Ten selection

A small selection of photos is included in this publication. To see more photos from events and competitions, please visit the photo albums on our fabulous Facebook page Performing Arts at Rangitoto College. 


To see videos from many of our events, please visit our YouTube Channel Rangitoto College Music. 


We have recently launched Rangitoto Performing Arts on Instagram.