Our annual Study Skills Evening had the vision of teaching students not only how to study but also how to study well. This is often a skill that is overlooked for young people but if done successfully, it can set them up for lifelong success. Students and parents were invited along to hear from a selection of teachers about science-backed revision strategies. This included the Leitner Method, the Cornell note-taking system, and the Pomodoro Technique. Students and whānau rotated around different rooms and collected cards summarising the technique explained to them. This hopefully, will support students during their study times to maximise their learning. 

As part of the ongoing study skills support for students we have developed a website with a summary of the information delivered on the night and additional resources. On the website, found below, you can also find a series of videos that cover seven habits of highly effective students. This is done in an accessible and appealing way to engage students in improving their educational habits. 


For more Study Skills resources click here: