This year on the 13th, 14th and 15th June, Rangitoto College Drama Company brought to the stage Christopher Marlowe’s play The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. As always, Drama Company looks to give all company members opportunities to experience life on the stage and this year we went for a big show, with a big cast! With over 50 roles, many of our 38 strong cast, of Year 9 through to Year 13 students, got the opportunity to play more than one character! With an incredible rock band playing 16 epic songs, dancing, and special effects, you could be forgiven for thinking this was Faustus the musical!

The title role this year was played by Year 13 Casey Devonshire, who performed the role with great professionalism and grace. Our only split role this year went to the role Methastophilis, played by both Joel Bird (Year 13) and Emma Jackson (Year 12). Both students performed the character uniquely but were equally brilliant in their portrayal. 

Our students worked hard over the seven-week rehearsal period and it really paid off! They put on four successful shows, full of energy and fun! Our greatest success though, has to be our tremendous cast and crew who have gone from strength to strength throughout the process, coming together as a true Company. Well done and congratulations to all involved.