After a three-year hiatus owing to Covid19, on the 4th of June, the annual Commerce Department trip to Wellington for our Year 12 Economic Students finally resumed! Mr Lam and Ms Love, together with 24 Year 12 Economics students went to Wellington for a two-day trip to expand their economic learning by visiting the various organisations crucial to the functioning of New Zealand’s economy. 

Some of the highlights of the trip include a visit to Statistics New Zealand to learn about how inflation and growth statistics are produced, and the importance of producing these statistics to inform policy decisions and therefore everyday New Zealanders; a visit to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand for a question & answer session on the merits of the contractionary monetary policy the RBNZ is currently enacting; a visit to NZ Trade & Enterprise to learn more about New Zealand’s awesome export products and the benefits of exports for our economy, and lastly a visit to the Beehive to see where economic policy decisions are made and to understand the implications of the latest fiscal budget for our economy. 

Overall, the students gained a lot of new first-hand economic insights, and despite all the walking, very much enjoyed hanging out amongst the hustle and bustle of our Nation’s capital.