One of the members of the historic Little Rock Nine, Minnijean Brown Trickey and her daughter Spirit Trickey visited Rangitoto College to talk to the many Rangitoto History classes.  She also presented to classes from many different visiting schools from around the area.

Now a civil rights activist and American politician, Minnijean, along with eight other black teenagers, were once denied entrance to a white school after the changing of segregation laws, and their story blew up all over the world as the fight for racial equality grew stronger. She provided us with an interesting and enlightening recount of the troubles of her day-to-day life, and the ways that she was diminished by society simply for being who she was.

One of her main messages for the audience was that if someone tells you that you are lesser than them, don’t listen to them. When people expect you to act inferior, you should stand your ground and show them that you aren’t. Both Minnijean and Spirit had a strong sense of accomplishment and were engaging, powerful speakers who have inspired hundreds of children across the globe to stand up for themselves, to never let someone tell them what they are. Minnijean is an inspiration, and she continues to fight for equal rights for all every day.