Rangitoto College offers students an incredible range of sports, music and arts programmes in addition to their school study, including 30 different cultural and creative activities, 40 different sports, 50 different performing arts activities. We encourage all our students to participate in some additional activities ot help them make friends and enjoy their time in New Zealand.

Cultural Activities and Participation

Taking part in a range of activities helps students learn leadership skills, teamwork and creative thinking.

Music and Performing Arts

Rangitoto College is a top performing arts school with a strong performing arts department. Whether you are a singer, musician, dancer, actor or want to become involved in sound and lighting, Rangitoto College can help you develop your talents and follow your passion. Musicians can get private music tuition in the instrument they want to learn. Practice rooms are available to book so students can practice before or after school or during lunchtime. Musicians may also be interested in joining the orchestra, choir, concert band, jazz band or participating in the school show. Dancers and actors have the chance to participate in the school show, plays, theatresports, dance troups and the dance showcase.


At Rangitoto College we challenge students to push their boundaries and discover what they are capable of. Through competition, young people learn teamwork, leadership and resilience – important life skills. Our school facilities include an Olympic standard all-weather hockey turf, three gymnasiums and a weights room, an all-weather athletics track, five sports fields, a dance studio with sprung floor, and a large modern swimming pool and sports institute on the school boundary.