If you cannot supply power and broadband documents, then please substitute these documents for those named below. All these documents must contain your Name and refer to the In zone address:
- Bank letter
- IRD letter
- Car Insurance
For all students born OUTSIDE of New Zealand a domestic visa is required to be attached as well as the entry date into the country. That can be shown by entry stamp in passport OR boarding pass with date of arrival. All students that have recently entered the country and have English as their second language will be ESOL tested to help with classing.
Because only a student who lives in the home zone is entitled to enrol at Rangitoto College and because the Board of Trustees has the statutory power to annul the enrolment in certain circumstances, all changes to the student’s usual place of residence when the School is open for instruction must be immediately notified to the School in writing. Where permission is being sought for the student to remain at the School, the application must be made in writing prior to the move taking place.
If you have moved from an out of zone property you owned to the enrolment address in the past 12 months, you will need to provide written proof of what has happened to your past address i.e. sold or rented.
If you have moved in zone from a rented property then you will need to provide a copy of the Bond Refund Form from Tenancy Services for the previous address.
Please Note: renting a room or rooms in zone but living at an out of zone property is not acceptable and is using an address to gain placement.
If you are found to be using an address as temporary accommodation in zone OR give false information to gain enrolment, your enrolment may be annulled in keeping with the Education and Training Act 2020.
Enrolments can take up to 2 weeks to be accepted IF any of the above is missing from your submitted enrolment. An enrolment meeting can only be organised once all documentation has been completed.
Please contact our Enrolments Manager Mrs Megan Camons if you have any questions regarding the above (email:enrolment@rangitoto.school.nz) .
Click on the blue button below to access the In-Zone Online Enrolment Form.