Our prestigious Summit Academy Gala Dinner was held on Friday 18 August in the Auditorium where we welcomed alumni, parents, staff, and friends of our community to celebrate four honoured graduates of the college. These honourees have been carefully selected by our Alumni Committee for their leadership, excellence in their field, and contribution to society.  This year we celebrated Nigel Avery, Jenene Crossan (Ngāi Tahu), Peter Connor, and Erica Stanford MP.

This year’s theme was A Touch of Mystery and guests were encouraged to wear a masquerade mask which created a few guessing games. The Auditorium was transformed into a mystical wonderland where guests were wined, dined, and entertained by our very talented Performing Arts students. A big thank you to the Free Range Chef for the evening’s beautiful menu.

Our four Head Students emceed the evening and did a fantastic job managing the event from start to finish. It essentially was today’s students welcoming our old students back home. Our honourees each shared with us what their time at Rangitoto was like, memories of certain staff who had an impact on them, and what paths they have taken along their journeys since graduation.  

The evening was put together by our Community Relations Team, Sally Thompson and Xenia Moschopoulos, who manage alumni events and communication, as well as sponsorship and fundraising within the college.

Next time you visit our Auditorium, be sure to look at our four newest additions on our Alumni Wall of Fame in the foyer. 


We would love you to stay connected!

If you are an alumni of Rangitoto College, we encourage you to join Our Community, a digital online database specifically for our past students to stay connected and be part of our Alumni Community. 

You can join Our Community by visiting: